ROME token

Rome Token is a digital asset that pays homage to the history and culture of the ancient city of Rome. It is a token of appreciation, designed to commemorate the legacy of the city that has stood the test of time and to honor its people, culture, and impact on the world. The token is a digital representation of Rome and the many cultures that have flourished and evolved within its walls. It serves as an homage to the great city, a reminder of its history, and a symbol of its influence on the world. Rome Token is a way for people to connect with the city and its stories, and a way to show their appreciation of Rome's unique and enduring legacy.

Destination info

Destination name Rome
Country Italy
Region Europe
Currency EUR
Phone code +39
Population 2,318,895

Market data

Circulating supply 2,318,895 tokens
Total supply 2,318,895 tokens only
Supply to population 1:1 ratio
Supply status Locked
Token type Collectible token
Status Minted

Get ROME token

Stellar Asset Code: ROME
Stellar Asset Issuer: GD72KO...JH7IHF
Stellar Home Domain:

Make sure the home domain is "" when you add ROME.

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